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Distinguished Service Medal
A Knight of Rizal or any person who has performed an outstanding achievement for the Order in a series of major activities or projects may be awarded the Distinguished Service Medal upon the recommendation of the Prefectural Tribunal and approval of the Supreme Council.
Distinguished Service Star
A Knight of Rizal or any person who has performed an outstanding achievement for the Order in a series of major activities or projects may be awarded the Distinguished Service Star upon the recommendation of the Prefectural Tribunal and approval of the Supreme Council.
Distinguished Service Cross
A Knight of Rizal or any person who has performed an outstanding achievement for the Philippines or for the Order in the furtherance of its lofty objectives may be awarded the Distinguished Service Cross upon the recommendation of the Prefectural Tribunal and approval of the Supreme Council.
Rizal Pro Patria
The highest decoration of the Order, the Rizal Pro Patria is given to any Knight of Rizal or person who has rendered exemplary and outstanding achievements for the Philippines or for the Order that are in consonant with its lofty goals and objectives, whether such deeds were performed in the country or in the international field. The award is conferred discriminately and only upon the strong recommendation of the Prefectural Tribunal and approval of the Supreme Council.
As a matter of policy adopted in 1986, the Rizal Pro Patria Award is conferred to the outgoing Supreme Commander of the Order.
In addition, the Supreme Council adopted a resolution on February 26, 1988 for the conferment of the Teodora Alonzo Award, the Rizal Women of Malolos Award, and the Rizal Youth Leadership Award in accordance with the criteria below.
Teodora Alonzo Award
For Filipino women who have manifested outstanding heroism, exemplary achievements both in their private and public lives, and admirable fortitude in the face of hardships and tragedy that have received the common acceptance, admiration, recognition, and gratitude of their countrymen as exemplified by the mother of our national hero who had exhibited the best qualities of the Filipino woman and mother.
Rizal Women of Malolos Award
For Filipino women who have distinguished themselves in social projects and community activities that have greatly enhanced the objectives of the Order and its counterpart organizations, and who have been recognized for the sterling qualities of womanhood that Rizal envisioned for mothers, wives, daughters or other Filipino women in his famous Letter to the Women of Malolos. The Rizal Women of Malolos Award shall be conferred only once a year in General, Regional and Special assemblies.
Rizal Youth Leadership Award
For the Filipino youth credited with outstanding and superior achievements in the field of youth organization to deepen, expand and enhance the promotion of Rizal's ideas, teachings, values and examples; in management and leadership in aid of the Order's youth counterpart organization; in other admirable activities, presentations, teachings and Rizal related accomplishments in a community that has a huge impact on the rest of the country. The award shall be presented no more than twice during national, regional or special youth leadership institutes or in youth assemblies under the auspices of the Order.
All awardees are to be recommended by Chapters, Counterpart Lady/ Youth Organizations through the local Chapters, Regions, members of the National Headquarters or members of the Supreme Council and submitted to the Supreme Council and the appropriate Prefectural Tribunal for evaluation prior to their final approval.
Policy for Giving of Awards, Rank, and Conferment
Recommendations for awards and conferment will be put on hold and returned if the records submitted are incomplete for review and assessments; and
No awards/rank will be given if the recommending Chapter or the recipient knight is not in good standing.
I wish to join
I understand that by answering the initial questions, a member of the KOR staff and/or an Officer of the KOR Chapter of my jurisdiction (residence) will communicate with me and guide me through the formal Application Process.